Look around at the world in which you live today. In it you will find—provided you look carefully, with your own eyes and not those of another—a world of unimaginable suffering, a world where some of us live on less than one US Dollar a day to care for our families; where people die needlessly from violence, disease, or war; where children have lost their hope.

It doesn’t have to be this way however. Each day, every one of us 7.8 billion people make decisions, and we accept the consequences of those decisions, consciously or not, however they may impact us or those around us.

How do we make better decisions? How can we have the life we choose, instead of the life we get by default through ours, or another’s decisions? Our decision-making processes, our ability to see the future of possible outcomes, and the application of our wisdom determines the life we have.

Want to get a better life? Want to cease leaving a path of destruction in your wake? It’s time to learn. This is no get rich quick scheme, (by the way, the only ones getting rich quickly on that road are the ones selling you the scheme) it isn’t about selling you anything at all. It’s just the wake-up call, the one on which you keep hitting the snooze button.

In my professional life I am a teacher, a mentor, a tutor, an advisor, a coach, a consultant—I help people learn what they want or need to learn. Mostly I help them learn how to learn for themselves.

All of the content on this site is free. There are no paywalls, no paid subscriptions. Read it, use it, share it (in full and with credit, please) and build upon it.

What you do with what you get here is up to you. You can change the world. Or you can hit the snooze button again.